Hernando County Public Library System Meeting Room Policy

Meeting Room Eligibility:

  1. The Meeting Rooms are available to individuals for non-profit purposes or for group use by non-profit organizations. Use by commercial for-profit individuals or groups is not allowed unless part of a library initiated program.

Meeting Room Policy:

  • Individuals or groups using these facilities are subject to all library rules and regulations.
  • Library sponsored activities will have precedence over other scheduled events.
  • These facilities may be used only during designated hours the library is open to the public.
  • Reservations will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Applicants will be notified of approval or denial.
  • No person/organization may be excluded because of race, nationality, sexual orientation, age, sex, disability or because of social, religious or political views.
  • Use of library facilities is by reservation only. Prospective users must complete an online application prior to use of the room.
  • No provisions can be made for the storage of equipment to be used by regular users of the public meeting rooms.
  • Any requirements for seating or equipment must be requested at the time of application. Requests made on the day of the meeting cannot be honored.
  • Meeting rooms may be booked for up to sixty (60) days in advance.
  • Smoking and alcoholic beverages are prohibited in all library facilities.
  • Refreshments allowed only with permission. When refreshments are served, all food and equipment/appliances will be provided by the user and proper clean-up of the facility is required.
  • Meetings must conclude thirty (30) minutes prior to library closing.
  • Attendance must not exceed the seating limit established for each meeting room.
  • Granting of permission to use library facilities does not constitute an endorsement by the library, library staff, Library Advisory Committee or the Hernando County Board of County Commissioners of the users of the library facilities or their beliefs.
  • Groups that fail to use a room they have reserved on two consecutive occasions, without notice, will lose their reserved times for the remainder of the calendar year. A group that fails to show up (without notice) within fifteen minutes following their reserved room time will lose the use of that room for that occasion and the room will be eligible for use by others.
  • Final authority for use of library facilities consistent with this Policy rests with the Libraries Services Manager or his/her designee. Requests for use will be granted, or denied by email within three business days.
  • All persons using any of these facilities shall be deemed to have released Hernando County, its  officials and employees of and from any and all damages arising out of or resulting from their use thereof; and further shall be deemed to have agreed to indemnify and save harmless Hernando County, its officials and employees of and from all damages and claims, including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising out of or resulting from their use thereof.

Meeting Room Privileges and Responsibilities:

  • The Meeting Room Policy and Terms and Conditions must be accepted by the requestor.
  • Setting up and taking down of chairs, tables or equipment; cleaning and returning the room to its original condition at the end of the meeting is the responsibility of the user and should be anticipated when scheduling room use. Library staff is not available to assist in setting up or taking down room.
  • All Meeting Room use shall be open to the public, free of charge, and may not be conducted for  solicitation or for commercial gain. However, non-profit organizations shall not be prohibited from collection of ordinary annual dues or the selling of such
    miscellaneous items as the organization’s calendars, datebooks, etc., provided that such
    activity is incidental to the purpose of the meeting.
  • The noise level must be consistent with the library atmosphere; programs and meetings may not disrupt use of the library by others.
  • Library facilities must be left in a clean and orderly condition. Users shall pay the cost for repair of any damages to meeting space,  furnishings, and/or equipment. The library will not be responsible for materials or equipment left in library facilities by users.
  • Notices, press releases, posters, flyers, or other materials promoting or announcing an event held in a library facility may be distributed only after approval by Library Administration upon confirming that such items clearly state the sponsoring individual or organization, that such items make no representation of sponsorship by or official connection with Hernando County or the Hernando County Public Library System, and that such items do not identify the Library as the individual’s or organization’s mailing address or headquarters and must state “not a library sponsored event”.
  • All meetings must be under the auspices of a responsible member of the organization 18 or older, who will be accountable for the reservation of the facility and the character and duration of the meeting.
  • Requestor shall ensure statistical information is recorded in the Meeting Room binder after each meeting.
  • It is the requestors’ responsibility to ensure all participants during use of facility are aware of and adhere to this policy.
  • Anyone attending a program sponsored by the library or using its facilities may be digitally recorded via photographs and/or video recordings. These images may be used on our website, in our publications, by local newspapers, or ultimately on the World Wide Web. If you do not want your image to be published, YOU MUST notify a member of the Library Staff taking the recording/photo.
  • Failure to follow the guidelines and regulations set forth in this policy may result in denial of future use of the meeting room by the requestor, sponsoring group, the presenter, and/or the person in charge of the group.
  • Accidents must be reported to a staff member immediately. Hernando County Public Library is not responsible for any injury that may be sustained by persons as a result of meeting activities.


Meet Room Policy

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