Hernando County Public Library


The Hernando County Public Library System welcomes everyone to use its facilities for library purposes. To ensure the comfort and safety of our patrons the library must enforce some fundamental rules of behavior. This Code of Conduct is intended to protect the right of library patrons to enjoy a safe library environment conducive to the use and enjoyment of library materials and services.

Library patrons are not permitted to engage in disruptive behaviors; or to interfere with Library operations or services to others. Patrons not engaged in library activity or exhibiting behaviors or actions deemed disruptive by staff will be required to leave the premises. If a patron refuses to leave the library, law enforcement will be called. Patrons whose behavior is continually disruptive or dangerous may be placed on “trespass warning” upon notification of the proper authorities.

Disruptive behavior is defined as any behavior on library premises which infringes on the rights of others to use the library in relative comfort and safety, behavior which could result in injury to oneself or others or behavior which could result in damage to library materials or property.

Threats of violence against staff or other library visitors are not tolerated and will result in immediate trespass from the premises. Threats of self-harm are taken seriously by staff. Law enforcement will immediately be notified.

Disruptive Library behavior includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Actions or behaviors that interfere with the operations of the library.
  • Abusing, vandalizing, or misusing library property including placing feet on furniture.
  • Bathing, shaving, washing clothes or other inappropriate use of restrooms.
  • Bodily hygiene that is offensive as to constitute a nuisance, interferes with the operations or intended use of the library or pose a risk to the health of others.
  • Bringing animals into the library except for service animals as defined by Florida Statute 413.08.
  • Causing bodily harm.
  • Carrying weapons of any kind, unless the person is a law enforcement official.
  • Damaging library materials or property.
  • Displaying unacceptable/inappropriate attire, such as: Undergarments worn as outer garments. Swimwear/bathing suits not concealed/covered by appropriate outerwear.
  • Drinking beverages in open containers. No beverages allowed at computer stations.
  • Eating food in any areas of the library.
  • Engaging in excessive public displays of affection.
  • Engaging in noisy behavior, including whistling, loud talking, playing audio equipment so loudly that others can hear it, and disruptive cell phone ringing and use.
  • Harassing, intimidating, stalking or prolonged staring at other patrons or staff.
  • Illegal activity.
  • Leaving children unattended.
  • Loitering.
  • Loud, boisterous, disruptive or any other behavior that can reasonably be expected to disturb others (for example, electronic devices and loud talking).
  • Misuse of computers.
  • Persistently disturbing or harassing Library Staff or patrons.
  • Possessing, consuming or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
  • Refusal to follow the direction of staff.
  • Refusing to show identification.
  • Shirts and shoes are always required.
  • Sleeping or soliciting on library premises.
  • Skateboarding, roller skating or any similar activity.
  • Smoking, including smokeless or e-cigarettes (“vaping”) or other use of tobacco products inside the library.
  • Striking matches or lighting lighters.
  • Threatening Library Staff or patrons.
  • Using a false name, address, or another person’s Library card.
  • Verbal abuse/profanity towards Library staff and/or patrons.
  • Violation of an active trespass warrant.
  • Violating any Library policies, rules, and regulations that infringe on the rights of others to use the library and its services.
  • Any other actions or behaviors reasonably deemed a public nuisance or disruptive by library staff.

The Library Code of Conduct covers behavior on all Library property: Main Library, Library branches, vehicles, deposit collections and all programs under Library control.

Library Code of Conduct approved by Legal 10.28.2024 clc